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Posted on January 30, 2024 (Click here to be directed to the webpage)

The second article exploring the future of The United Methodist Church in Michigan on website.


Posted on November 14, 2023 (Click here to be directed to the webpage)

The first article exploring the future of The United Methodist Church in Michigan on website.

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You will find the "Blessing One Another"  FAQ Video on the Michigan UMC website. This video will help you to begin understanding what the future holds for the United Methodist Church.  

A printable PDF (updated) document is available here: Blessing-One-Another-032222.pdf (

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Annual Conference Report

      Bold and Effective Leaders: Wisdom, Heart, Courage was the theme for The 2019 Michigan Annual Conference. Wow! What a busy, exciting, thought provoking, worship filled, stressful, comforting four-days! Each day began with worship. It was so awesome to be in a room filled with 2,000 Christians worshiping our Lord.

      Teaching sessions were presented by: Becca Farnum,  Environmentalist, Peacebuilder, Educator; and Kristen Grauer, Foreign Service Officer, U.S. Department of State, P.K. (Preacher’s Kid) turned Diplomat.

      Worship Preachers were: Laura Witkowski, Associate  Director for Lay Leadership; and Rev. Dr. Jennie Browne. Some of you will remember Jennie’s time serving at Reed City UMC. All the  speakers and worship preachers were amazing.

The conference has made video available of all the speakers. Let me know if you are interested in watching the videos, or if you have any questions about Annual Conference.         There was much business to be done and lots of prayers went up asking for the Lord’s guidance. One of the resolutions brought before us for discussion and a vote was submitted by Bethany Maciejewski. Her submission was: Redefining what it means to be “Handicap  Accessible.” I am happy to say her resolution passed.

      There was some discussion on the 2019 General Conference in regard to the LGTBQ issue. While much is yet undecided and many are fearful that a schism may be a possibility, I would like to  paraphrase from Rev. Dr. Charles Boayue, Jr., Greater Detroit District Superintendent, who spoke on Mission Imperative. While we may or may not be facing a schism in the United Methodist Church, it is not the first time in our history nor is it likely be the last time. Yet, we are to continue to do God’s Work — to share the Good News, to bring God to all people, to love all people and to go and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

      Cinda Locker, Lay Member to Annual Conference

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