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March is bringing us closer to warm days when we can get out and enjoy fresh air and good weather. We can also get very stormy weather too. That is why we are asking you to support “After the Storm” through the Noisy Offering on March 30. “After the Storm” is a Michigan based organization which is affiliated with the United Methodist Michigan Conference. They provide support to Michigan communities who have had devastating storms. They help by providing disaster relief and help coordinate services from other agencies. They have helped with tornado damage in Northern Michigan and severe flooding in Central Michigan.

Noisy Offering – March 30th!

We’re eagerly anticipating our FIFTH SUNDAY coffee hour on MARCH 30! We will collect our 5th Sunday (Noisy) Loose Change offering during worship, which will be designated for a mission-oriented purpose. After worship, our expanded coffee hour will feature “finance fun” – and updates by our Finance team, so that we can better understand how church finances work and where we are in our RCUMC “financial health”. You’ll also come away with how we fit into the larger church in our responsibilities with Ministry Shares, etc. Also, after hearing frequent news reports about the unfortunate reality of ‘scamming’ via internet, phone, mail, etc., we’ll answer questions and provide some tips about avoiding the pitfalls of those wishing to take advantage of us. You’ll not want to miss the “finance fun”! Between now and then, save your change for our loose change offering!

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